SOD Ecosystem

Son of Doge is built on trust, honesty and transparency. We believe that these ideals are key to building strong community, and will be consistently ensuring that our actions and our project relate directly back to them.

Strong Community

2022 is the year that the Son of Doge takes over the crypto space

NFT (in development)

Three rare tiers of NFT’s. Hold, trade, sell, on Open Sea

P2E Games

Creative and fun games (to be confirmed)

Metaverse Integration

Limitless metaverse worlds and avatars (in development)

One-stop-shop Laucnhplatform

SOD recently released a multi-chain platform called Utilium; it will be a one-stop shop for launching, and many more services


Son of Doge charges an 8% transaction buy fee and an 8% sell fee. This fee exists of:

6% Marketing & Development

2% Reflections

How to buy Tokens

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus ex eget cursus consectetur ipsum.

Premium Sale

April 23, 2018

1 ETH = up to 41,000 STMX
up to 39% bonus
up to 39% bonus
150.000.000 STMX
Buy Now!

Feature Sale

April 23, 2018

1 ETH = up to 41,000 STMX
up to 39% bonus
up to 39% bonus
up to 39% bonus
150.000.000 STMX
Buy Now!

Standart Sale

April 23, 2018

1 ETH = up to 41,000 STMX
up to 39% bonus
up to 39% bonus
150.000.000 STMX
Buy Now!